Month: April 2022
Hard Times Notes
Introduction: The Purpose of Hard Times Charles Dickens is known as a writer of social criticism, and “Hard Times” particularly demonstrates his critical view of Victorian England. As opposed to particular attacks as evident in his earlier novels, “Hard Times” is a diagnosis of Victorian society as a whole. In the novel the failings of …
The Shadow Lines: Nationalism
In the novel, The Shadow Lines, Amitav Ghosh focuses on the meaning of political freedom in the modern world and the force of nationalism. The novel, according to the blurb, focuses on “nationalism, the Shadow Lines we draw between people and nations, which is both an absurd illusion and a source of terrifying violence.” Through …
Partition Pains: Representations of Maternal Trauma in Partition Discourse
“The Final Solution” is a story by Manik Bandopadhyay, who is an Indian Bengali, writing about the destruction of values and the politics of power and sexuality in the spiralling refugee problem in Calcutta, which was a direct aftermath of the 1947 Partition. Many of the Hindu families who left their homes in East Pakistan …
Partition Pains: Representations of Maternal Trauma in Partition Discourse Read More »
Feminist Theories and Practice
Feminism:Feminism is a concept which varies from individual to individual. The general definition of feminism (according to oxford dictionaries) is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes. Today feminism is more than just the demand for equal rights. Feminism has been studied and developed under the name “Feminist …
Deconstruction: Part 2
Now question arises, is writing Both Useless and dangerous…? This does not square easily with the social history of the rise of writing in the west. Sometimes, speech is offered a curious privilege, for example, law courts rely on writing, but they privilege vocal testimony, when the person is asked to say “I promise to …
Deconstruction ;Part 1
Deconstruction is one of the several doctrines in contemporary philosophy often loosely held under the umbrella terms post-structuralism and postmodernism. Jacques Derrida coined the term in the 1960s, and proved more forthcoming with negative, rather than a pined-for positive, analyses of the school. Derrida says, deconstruction is a word whose fortunes have disagreeably surprised me. …